Just in case anyone was wondering, I now have definitive evidence that I am not now, have never been, nor ever will be an intellectual. The penny finally dropped today, after I read some email from Rodwellian, my co-bloguiste (you can link to her blog from the menu at right). These were the content of her email: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fuzzy/2242738394/in/pool-kittywigs She sent them in response to my first post, in which I document the inflicting of BOOTS on one of my cats.
Here's how I know I am not an intellectual [in case ANY of the above did not prove that fact pretty well beyond all dispute....] :
I have spent the 30+ ensuing minutes since being exposed to the wild and wonderful world of kittywigs THINKING ABOUT KITTYWIGS! Yep. Wondering about such stumpers as,"Why would anyone put a wig on a cat?" and "Where do you get such a diminutive wig? Is kittywiggery a legitimate sub-culture, with factories in China producing hairpieces designed to be purchased by kittywiggery enthusiasts the world over?" and "How on EARTH did ALL THOSE PEOPLE manage to get their cats to submit to the shenanigans in the first place, never mind sitting still long enough to be photographed in the ensuing compromising positions...?? Do those people have some sort of specially bred dignity-free cats?" (says the woman who put BOOTS on her cat, photographed him and posted him on youtube....)
And you know what? These thoughts are not really in any way UNUSUAL. Well, okay, they are unusual in the sense that, until less than an hour ago, I had no idea kitty wigs even existed so I don't usually think about them, specifically. What I mean is, the INTELLECTUAL DEPTH indicated by the fact that I have been riffiing (alone, in my private thoughts and now here, alone in my un-read blog) on kitty wigs for as long as I have is not particularly atypical. What I have recognized is that these are the kinds of thoughts that fill up my empty head. Thoughts about toupes for felines, whether or not I need to buy toilet paper, how many essays I have yet to mark, what colour sequins will be most prominently featured during tonight's episode of Dancing With The Stars..... There are people out there who think about how to stop the AIDS pandemic, how to bring literacy to girls in underdeveloped nations, how exactly Arthur C. Clarke's "space elevator" idea could be made to work (okay, admittedly I do think about that last one). But not me. Nosirree. I think about cat wigs.
And make my cat wear boots.
And now I have a blog.
Dear god.
Here's how I know I am not an intellectual [in case ANY of the above did not prove that fact pretty well beyond all dispute....] :
I have spent the 30+ ensuing minutes since being exposed to the wild and wonderful world of kittywigs THINKING ABOUT KITTYWIGS! Yep. Wondering about such stumpers as,"Why would anyone put a wig on a cat?" and "Where do you get such a diminutive wig? Is kittywiggery a legitimate sub-culture, with factories in China producing hairpieces designed to be purchased by kittywiggery enthusiasts the world over?" and "How on EARTH did ALL THOSE PEOPLE manage to get their cats to submit to the shenanigans in the first place, never mind sitting still long enough to be photographed in the ensuing compromising positions...?? Do those people have some sort of specially bred dignity-free cats?" (says the woman who put BOOTS on her cat, photographed him and posted him on youtube....)
And you know what? These thoughts are not really in any way UNUSUAL. Well, okay, they are unusual in the sense that, until less than an hour ago, I had no idea kitty wigs even existed so I don't usually think about them, specifically. What I mean is, the INTELLECTUAL DEPTH indicated by the fact that I have been riffiing (alone, in my private thoughts and now here, alone in my un-read blog) on kitty wigs for as long as I have is not particularly atypical. What I have recognized is that these are the kinds of thoughts that fill up my empty head. Thoughts about toupes for felines, whether or not I need to buy toilet paper, how many essays I have yet to mark, what colour sequins will be most prominently featured during tonight's episode of Dancing With The Stars..... There are people out there who think about how to stop the AIDS pandemic, how to bring literacy to girls in underdeveloped nations, how exactly Arthur C. Clarke's "space elevator" idea could be made to work (okay, admittedly I do think about that last one). But not me. Nosirree. I think about cat wigs.
And make my cat wear boots.
And now I have a blog.
Dear god.
OK... first off I don't believe it is a big compliment to be mainly known as an intellectual. Says the woman who sent the Kittywigs in the first place.
Also, photos are worth a 1000 words probably more. I'll show you how to post other people's flickrs for more effect :)
I read this again and I laughed. That's what make you fab.
I'm hoping for a new blog post this weekend.
as i depend on your traffic :) i need to make sure you have the right url for my blog. it is www.rodwellian.blogspot.com .... you have an extra 'e' in the link
i know for sure that you are thinking about that elevator.
I love your blog. you voice comes through beautifully, and is hilarious as always.
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